June 2020 Setting up xdebug with Docker and PHPStorm A brief guide on configuring xdebug with Docker.
May 2019 Why isn't the "cookies" cache context working in Drupal 8? Some useful information on core Drupal 8 caching.
March 2018 Testing SASS function and mixin errors with True How to write more comprehensive tests for your SCSS.
May 2017 The importance of process [30 minute article] How having a process to define your work can help you make better things.
April 2017 Own your content [30 minute article] An argument for having ownership of the things you create.
March 2017 Finding a technical role that leads to a lasting career A summary of a short talk I gave at Codebar and Talent2017 for people looking to break into the tech industry.
December 2016 Provisioning CircleCI with Ansible How to use local provisioning with Ansible to set up your CircleCI environment.
September 2016 Lessons from Pokémon Go An outsider's launch postmortem and speculations on Pokémon Go.
August 2016 How to Rock (& Roll) your Agile website development The process we used to deliver a great new site for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
October 2015 Working with transliterations on the web A primer for displaying transliterations accurately on the web.
June 2015 Reading news efficiently How I set about curing my news addiction with RSS feeds and e-mail.